Happy Belated Easter Wishes

 I hope you all had a wonderful Easter weekend. I forgot that the clocks went forward yesterday and I had such a shock when I realised that I had lost an hour. Still, it's great to know that Spring is here, well the wind and rain has arrived, so not all that great for getting out and about.

I haven't made much progress on my Regency library recently as I'm waiting to get some more supplies from the upcoming Miniatura show this Saturday. No matter how long I have been attending this show, I still get very excited and count down the days till it arrives. 

Last weekend I decided to make a little 1/144th scale dolls house.

I just used bits of wood and card stock. I also made the table from some sheet wood, dado trim and some cabriole legs I've had for a few years.

It's not quite finished, I still want to add some more detail to the roof and other areas, but like most of the items I make, I'm never quite happy with the finished result and feel like I could have done better.

I do like the roughness of it though and it will be OK to stick in the corner of my French house attic. I feel it is more of a well played and long forgotten childhood toy, than a family heirloom.

 I got so carried away that I forgot to 'hinge' the door from inside, so I had to add these hinges on the outside. At the moment they look too new and shiny so I will try to 'age' them so they look more in keeping with the era I'm going for.

The wallpaper is from some images I downloaded and printed from Pinterest. I also used some jewelry caps for the light shades. They look so effective and because of their bright gold colour, they almost look like working lights. 

I would like some furniture for the inside, I may have a go at making some myself, or see what I can find at Miniatura on Saturday. I'll keep you posted on the outcome.

Until the next time

Take care

Jayne x



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