Some of my dolls houses
As promised here are some photos of my previous projects, still not quite finished yet, but I'm getting there.
A Little Shabby House, made with two room boxes and a roof made by me. I still have lots to do on both the inside and outside.
The bedroom.
I made the bed, dressing table, side table and the accessories.
The funny grey and white item, is my first attempt at needle felting and it is suppose to be a cat.
A close-up of the bed I made. The bed cover was from a linen blouse I found at a charity shop and the embroidery was so beautiful I just had to show it off.
I feel awful that I can tell you who made this beautiful tiny doll, I bought her from Miniatura last year. She was just so adorable I had to have her. If anyone can help with the maker, I would love to know.
Flowers I made and a beautiful cranberry vase from
The Kitchen
This still needs a lot of work.
I sorry my camera skills are not great, but I hope to improve on them and try to take better pictures of my miniatures.
My little shabby house still needs lots of attention, before I'm really happy with it. However I have lots of projects on the go and I keep switching from one to the other. I really need to focus on one project at a time, but sometimes I get sidetracked and work on different things for the different houses I am working on.
My Farmhouse
One of the bedrooms.
Two of the occupants, Morag and Bert. These wonderful dolls are made by Teresa Thompson from I love her dolls, they are so detailed and just add another element to any dolls house.
The mother in-law inspecting her very sparse room. I need to focus on this a bit more to keep in her good books.
My two beloved cats.
Mitzy, in my fruit bowl.
AKA Miss Mitzy, Mitzy Moo or Mitz depending on her mood and mine.
Fluffy, the baby of the family. She can do no wrong.
Look at that face, would you tell her off for being a bully?
Until the next time
Take care
Jayne x
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