What's in a name

I made a thingamabob

It looks like a flask with a stick sticking out of it.

I have tried really hard to name my thingamabob but I can't find the right word(s). Hopefully someone out there may be able to help me. I saw these images online, the first one is by Isaac Robert Cruishank from 1819 titled 'Going to a fight' and the second image is by Henry Alken from the same era titled 'Going to Epson Races'. They are panorama images that I believe were made as sporting advertisements and told a story of the sporting event from start to finish. Something about them really grabbed my attention, so I thought I would try to make one in miniature, for the man of my house.


PANORAMA BY HENRY ALKEN - Richard Gardner Antiques Going to Epsom Races. 1819…

I'm afraid that I'm not very good at taking photos of my work in progress, but I used a metal hollow tube some brass eyelets and a fancy wooden cocktail stick. I also had some leather look paper which I used to cover the silver tube. I downloaded the image, and I'm hoping I'm not breaking any copyright law as I'm not intending to sell the item. It was quite easy to understand the construction but very fiddly to glue everything in place and making sure the image could be pulled out of the tube and then rolled back in again.

My thingamabob is a very quirky item that only took me an afternoon to create. I find that once I have seen something that catches my interest I can't let it go, and I knew that I wouldn't be able to buy an item like this on the miniature market, so I knew I had to make it myself. It now resides on the desk in my miniature library.

 It's only four weeks today until the Miniatura show at the NEC Birmingham and I'm already getting excited. I have my list ready, just need to stop wishing the time away.

Until the next time

Take care

Jayne x


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